Restoring Voting Rights After a Felony Conviction in Arizona

Opinion Article: The Importance of Restoring Voting Rights in Arizona

Losing More Than Just Freedom: The Implications of Felony Charges on Voting Rights

In Arizona, a conviction for a felony has numerous consequences that extend beyond the standard sentence of imprisonment and probation. One of the most notable of these consequences is the immediate suspension of an individual's voting rights. This means that, for the duration of their sentence and probation, they are no longer able to exercise the fundamental democratic privilege to vote. This automatic suspension of voting rights is a grave injustice, as it disproportionately impacts communities of color and those with lower income levels. Felony charges carry the stigma of having committed an egregious act, and the additional penalty of losing a fundamental democratic right furthers the notion of inequality under the law.

The Long Road to Restoring Voting Rights in Arizona

Fortunately, Arizona state law includes provisions for voting rights restoration. However, these provisions are often obscure and difficult to understand for those already burdened with navigating the criminal justice system. For first-time offenders, voting rights restoration is possible under ARS § 13-912. However, this statute requires that all fines, fees, and restitution be paid in full before the individual is eligible for voting rights reinstatement. For those with multiple convictions, the process is even more challenging, as restoration can only occur after a ten-year waiting period and the satisfaction of specific conditions under ARS § 13-905. This convoluted process has resulted in the disenfranchisement of countless individuals who have already completed their sentences, yet are still denied the right to vote. Consequently, the Arizona legislature has taken up the issue of voting rights restoration, with various proposals aimed at simplifying this process for those affected by felony charges.

Fighting for the Right to Vote: The Legal and Moral Imperatives

The fundamental right to vote is essential to a functioning democracy, and voting rights restoration offers hope and a path forward for those who have become disenfranchised. Legalizing voting rights for those with felony convictions is not only a moral imperative, but one that has practical implications for greater societal well-being. Voting is an essential civic duty that allows individuals to have a say in their future and contribute to the development of more just and equitable communities. Restoring voting rights for all individuals in Arizona is critical in the fight for greater social justice and political equity. While the current provisions for voting rights restoration are a step in the right direction, much remains to be done to simplify the restoration process and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to exercise their right to vote.

The Urgency of Restoring Voting Rights in Arizona

The consequences of felony charges extend far beyond imprisonment and probation, impacting an individual's financial stability and social standing. The automatic suspension of voting rights further magnifies the inequality inherent in the criminal justice system, stripping individuals of their right to participate in the democratic process. As such, the restoration of voting rights is critical to ensuring greater social justice and equity in Arizona and the nation. The Arizona legislature must move swiftly to address this critical issue by simplifying the restoration process, reducing the waiting period required for multiple offenders, and eliminating the financial barriers that often stand in the way of restoring voting rights. By doing so, they can create a more just and equitable system that upholds the principles of democracy and values the voices of all its citizens.

The Time for Action is Now

The restoration of voting rights for all individuals in Arizona is not only a legal and moral imperative, but a practical necessity for the well-being of a functioning democracy. By providing disenfranchised individuals with a path forward to restoring their voting rights, we can create a more just and equitable society that values the voices of all its citizens. Join us in the fight for greater social justice and political equity by supporting voting rights restoration in Arizona. Restoring Voting Rights in Arizona

Spouse Avoiding Divorce Papers: What to Do?

Feature Article

Avoiding Service of Divorce Papers: What to Do

Going through a divorce can be stressful and emotional for everyone involved. But what happens when one spouse is avoiding service of the divorce papers? It can complicate the process even further. In this feature article, we'll explore what you can do when your spouse is avoiding service of divorce papers.

Understanding Why Your Spouse is Avoiding Service

Before you take any action, it's important to understand why your spouse may be avoiding service of the divorce papers. Some common reasons include:

  • Denial that the marriage is over: Your spouse may be in denial that the marriage is really ending and may hope that by avoiding the papers, the divorce won't go through.
  • Fear of losing assets: If your spouse is worried about losing assets in the divorce, they may think that avoiding service will prevent the divorce from happening.
  • Revenge: In some cases, a spouse may avoid service as a way to get back at their partner for wanting a divorce.

Taking Action

If your spouse is avoiding service of the divorce papers, there are several steps you can take:

  • Try to Serve Them Personally: You may be allowed to personally serve the papers to your spouse. This means that you would physically give them the papers instead of having them served by a professional. Check your state's laws to see if this is an option for you.
  • Hire a Professional Process Server: A professional process server has experience in tracking down individuals who are avoiding service. They may be able to use skip tracing methods, such as database searches and surveillance, to locate your spouse.
  • File a Motion with the Court: If you're unable to locate your spouse, you can file a motion with the court to allow you to serve the papers in an alternate way, such as via email or publication.

Protecting Your Rights

If your spouse continues to avoid service, it's important to protect your rights. You can still move forward with the divorce proceedings, even if your spouse hasn't been served. Talk to your attorney about your options for moving forward without your spouse's participation.

Final Thoughts

Divorce is never an easy process, and avoiding service of divorce papers can make it even more complicated. However, by taking the right steps and protecting your rights, you can move forward and begin the next chapter of your life.

For more information on avoiding service of divorce papers, visit


Filing Taxes During a Divorce in Arizona

Feature Article: Filing Taxes During a Divorce in Arizona

Divorce can be a challenging and complex process for everyone involved. Once the divorce is finalized, there is still one important aspect that must be taken care of every year - taxes. Filing taxes during a divorce in Arizona can be a daunting task, but it is critical to do so correctly to avoid any future penalties or complications.

The importance of filing taxes during a divorce

After a divorce, both parties will be considered unmarried for the entire tax year if the divorce is finalized before December 31 of that year. This means that each party must file their taxes as "Single" or "Head of Household." Failing to file taxes properly during a divorce can lead to future complications, including interest, penalties, and even legal consequences.

The benefits of filing as "Head of Household"

Filing as "Head of Household" offers several benefits over filing as "Single," such as lower tax rates and a higher standard deduction. To qualify as "Head of Household," an individual must have paid more than half of the household expenses for the year and have a qualifying dependent live with them for more than half the year. This status can be especially advantageous for individuals with one or more dependents.

How to file taxes during a divorce in Arizona

Filing taxes during a divorce in Arizona can be complicated, especially if there are disputes over the division of assets or spousal support. It is best to consult with a qualified tax professional or attorney to ensure that all tax-related issues are handled correctly.

The first step in filing taxes during a divorce is to determine your filing status. As previously mentioned, individuals who are divorced before December 31 of the tax year must file as "Single" or "Head of Household." If the divorce is not finalized by December 31, the parties may still be able to file as "Married Filing Jointly" or "Married Filing Separately." However, this will require some additional steps, such as obtaining a court-approved agreement or court order.

After determining your filing status, the next step is to gather all necessary tax documents. This includes W-2 forms, 1099 forms, and any other income or deduction-related documentation. It is best to keep a clear record of all financial transactions related to the divorce, including any court-ordered payments or settlements.

Once you have gathered all necessary documentation, it is time to file your taxes. If you are unsure about filling out your tax forms, it is recommended to seek assistance from a qualified tax professional. They can help ensure that all tax-related issues are handled properly, and that you are maximizing your tax benefits.

Tax issues to consider during a divorce

There are several tax-related issues to keep in mind during a divorce in Arizona. These include:

Child support and alimony payments

Child support payments are generally not deductible by the payer and are not considered taxable income for the recipient. On the other hand, alimony payments are usually tax-deductible for the payer and taxable income for the recipient.

Dividing assets

When dividing assets during a divorce, it is important to consider the tax implications of each asset. Some assets, such as retirement accounts, may have different tax consequences than others. Additionally, it is important to consider the capital gains tax implications of selling certain assets.

Sale of the marital home

If the marital home is sold during the divorce process, it is important to consider the capital gains tax implications. In Arizona, there is a $250,000 capital gains tax exclusion for individuals who have lived in their home for at least two years. This exclusion may be available to one or both parties, depending on the specific circumstances surrounding the sale.

Tax credits and deductions

Divorced individuals who have children may be eligible for certain tax credits and deductions, such as the child tax credit and the earned income tax credit. It is important to ensure that all available tax benefits are being claimed to minimize tax liability.


Divorce can be a challenging and emotional time, but it is important to take care of all necessary tax-related issues to avoid future penalties and legal complications. Understanding the tax implications of divorce, including the benefits of filing as "Head of Household," can help simplify the process and ensure that both parties are maximizing their tax benefits. For assistance with filing taxes during a divorce in Arizona, it is recommended to seek guidance from a qualified tax professional or attorney.

Filing Taxes During a Divorce in Arizona


Exposing Your Ex: Tips for Addressing Hidden Assets in an Arizona Divorce

Feature Article

Exposing Hidden Assets: What to Do When Your Ex-Spouse is Hiding Assets in Your Arizona Divorce

The process of getting a divorce can be stressful, but it becomes even more complicated when one spouse starts hiding assets from the other. If you suspect your ex-spouse is hiding assets, it's important to take swift action to protect your interests. In Arizona, there are several legal remedies available that can help you uncover any hidden assets and ensure a fair division of marital property.

What are Hidden Assets?

Hidden assets are assets that one spouse intentionally conceals from the other during divorce proceedings. This could include cash, stocks, real estate, cars, or anything else of value that one spouse does not want to share during the divorce. This can be done by transferring assets to friends or family members, opening secret bank accounts, or undervaluing assets during the divorce proceedings.

Why Do Spouses Hide Assets?

There are several reasons why a spouse may hide assets during a divorce. One reason could be to avoid having to divide property with the other spouse. Another reason may be to reduce the value of the marital property, which could lead to a lower settlement or lower child support payments. Spouses may also hide assets to protect their businesses or to avoid paying taxes.

Legal Remedies for Uncovering Hidden Assets

If you suspect that your spouse is hiding assets, there are several legal remedies available that can help you uncover the truth. One remedy is to request financial documents from your spouse during the discovery process. This can include bank statements, tax returns, and investment statements. Your lawyer can also subpoena financial records from third parties, such as banks or financial institutions, to obtain a complete financial picture of your ex-spouse's assets and income.

Hiring a forensic accountant is another option. A forensic accountant is an expert in tracing and analyzing financial transactions. They can examine financial records and identify any discrepancies that may indicate hidden assets.

If you believe your spouse is hiding assets, it's important to inform your legal representation so that they can utilize legal discovery tools, such as subpoenas and depositions, to uncover these assets. Once the undisclosed assets are found, this information can significantly impact settlement negotiations for a more equitable division.

Impact of Hidden Assets on Division of Property

Arizona is a community property state, meaning that any property acquired during the marriage is considered marital property and is subject to equal division. If one spouse is hiding assets, it can significantly impact the division of property. When hidden assets are uncovered, they will be taken into account during property division and the spouse who hid them may be penalized for doing so. Penalties may include having to pay attorney's fees and court costs incurred to locate and recover the hidden assets or being awarded a smaller share of the property.


Going through a divorce is a challenging time, but it's crucial to protect your interests and assets during the proceedings. If you suspect your ex-spouse is hiding assets, it's important to take swift action to uncover the truth and ensure a fair division of marital property. Speak to your lawyer to discuss the legal remedies available and what can be done to uncover hidden assets in your Arizona divorce.

hidden assets in a divorce-Arizona,Hidden

Defenses to ARS 28-693: Reckless Driving in Arizona

Investigative Article

The True Cost of Reckless Driving in Arizona

Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) 28-693 defines reckless driving as knowingly driving a vehicle in a way that poses a clear and present danger to property or others. The violation of this statute carries a steep penalty and can lead to significant fines, jail time, and loss of driving privileges. More importantly, reckless driving can result in the loss of innocent lives. In this investigative article, we will examine the true cost of reckless driving in Arizona and explore ways to prevent these tragedies from occurring.

Reckless Driving in Arizona: A Growing Problem

The number of fatalities due to reckless driving is increasing in Arizona each year. In 2019, the state reported 326 deaths due to reckless driving, an increase of over 50 deaths from 2018. The cost of these fatalities is significant, not only in economic terms but also in the loss of loved ones and community members.

The Human Cost of Reckless Driving

Reckless driving is more than just a violation of the law; it is a danger to public safety, and the consequences can be devastating. Families of victims of reckless driving face financial strain due to medical expenses, lost income, and funeral costs. They also suffer emotionally from the loss of loved ones. Survivors of reckless driving accidents may experience lifelong injuries such as brain damage, spinal cord injuries, and paralysis.

The Economic Cost of Reckless Driving

Reckless driving also carries an economic cost for individuals and communities. Victims of reckless driving face significant medical bills, rehabilitation costs, and lost wages. They may also require long-term care, which can result in additional financial strain. Communities absorb the cost of emergency response and rescue efforts, as well as traffic mitigation and accident investigations. As a result, the cost of reckless driving falls on both individuals and society as a whole.

Preventing Reckless Driving in Arizona

There are several measures that can be taken to prevent reckless driving in Arizona. One key area to focus on is education. By educating the public on the dangers of reckless driving and the consequences of violating ARS 28-693, we can reduce the number of incidents. Other preventative measures include stronger enforcement of traffic laws, installation of traffic cameras, and the use of technology in vehicles to alert drivers to potentially dangerous situations.

Defenses to ARS 28-693

Despite efforts to prevent reckless driving, it remains a significant problem in Arizona. If you or a loved one are facing charges under ARS 28-693, it is important to seek legal counsel and explore all available defenses. Possible defenses include arguing that the actions did not pose a clear and present danger, that the defendant did not knowingly engage in reckless behavior, or that the actions were taken to avoid harm to others. An experienced criminal defense attorney can help navigate the legal system and achieve the best possible outcome for your case.


Reckless driving is a serious problem in Arizona, with the number of fatalities on the rise each year. The cost of reckless driving is significant in both human and economic terms. Preventative measures such as education, enforcement, and technology can help reduce these incidents. If you are facing charges under ARS 28-693, it is important to seek legal counsel and explore all available defenses. Let's work together to make Arizona's roads safer for everyone.

Reckless,ARS-Reckless Driving in Arizona Defenses to ARS 28-693

Understanding the Types of Evidence Used in Domestic Violence Cases

Feature Article - Exploring the Complexities of Evidence in Domestic Violence Cases

Domestic violence is a serious crime that affects countless individuals and families across the country. In Arizona, the burden of proof falls squarely on the prosecution to demonstrate beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant committed the crime. This high standard requires presenting clear, convincing evidence that leaves no room for reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors. However, what type of evidence is used in domestic violence cases, and how does the defense challenge this evidence? We explore the complexities of evidence in domestic violence cases in this feature article.

The Types of Evidence Used in Domestic Violence Cases

The prosecution in domestic violence cases can present a wide range of evidence to demonstrate that the defendant committed the crime. This evidence can include:

Physical Evidence

Physical evidence in domestic violence cases can include anything from weapons, clothes, and personal items to photographs of injuries sustained by the victim. Physical evidence can be particularly useful in cases where the victim's testimony may be deemed unreliable or where the defendant denies the charges.

Testimonial Evidence

The most common form of evidence in domestic violence cases is testimonial evidence. This can include the victim's account of the events leading up to and during the domestic violence incident, as well as testimony from witnesses who saw or heard what happened.

Medical Evidence

Medical evidence, such as records detailing the victim's injuries or hospital visits, can also assist the prosecution in domestic violence cases. Medical evidence can provide a clear timeline of events and serve as proof that the victim was, in fact, injured.

Audio and Video Evidence

In today's digital age, audio and video evidence are becoming increasingly common in domestic violence cases. This includes recordings of phone conversations, video footage from surveillance cameras, or audio recordings made by witnesses. Audio and video evidence can be particularly powerful when prosecuting cases where the victim is afraid to testify or where there are few eyewitnesses.

Expert Witness Testimony

In some cases, expert witnesses may be called upon to provide testimony in domestic violence cases. An expert witness can provide insight into the nature of domestic violence, patterns of behavior exhibited by abusive individuals, and the potential long-term effects of domestic violence on victims and their families.

Statistical Evidence

Lastly, statistical evidence can also be used in domestic violence cases. This can include data on the prevalence of domestic violence, the effects of domestic violence on individuals and families, and evidence of a pattern of abusive behavior exhibited by the defendant.

How the Defense Challenges Evidence in Domestic Violence Cases

The defense's role in domestic violence cases is to challenge the prosecution's evidence and create reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors. To accomplish this, the defense may take a variety of approaches, including:

Attacking the Credibility of Witnesses

In many domestic violence cases, the victim's testimony is the key piece of evidence presented by the prosecution. Therefore, the defense may aim to challenge the credibility of the victim or any other witnesses called to testify. This may involve highlighting inconsistencies in their stories or calling into question their motives for testifying against the defendant.

Questioning the Chain of Custody of Physical Evidence

If physical evidence is presented in the case, the defense may challenge the chain of custody of the evidence. This means questioning whether the evidence was properly collected, stored, and analyzed, and whether there is any possibility that it could have been tampered with or contaminated.

Disputing the Validity of Expert Witness Testimony

If an expert witness is called upon to testify, the defense may dispute the validity of the testimony. This can include questioning the expert's credentials, methodology, or conclusions.

Providing Alternative Explanations for the Evidence

The defense may also seek to provide alternative explanations for the evidence presented by the prosecution. This may involve providing an alternative timeline of events or suggesting that injuries sustained by the victim were not the result of domestic violence.


Evidence is a critical component of domestic violence cases, with the burden of proof falling squarely on the prosecution. However, as we explored in this feature article, the defense can challenge this evidence in a variety of ways, creating reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors. Despite the complexities involved, it is essential to ensure fairness in the legal process and prevent wrongful convictions.

If you are interested in learning more about the types of evidence used in domestic violence cases, please visit evidence-domestic-violence-cases.


Understanding Resisting Arrest Laws in Arizona

Investigative Article

The Gray Area of Resisting Arrest in Arizona

Police officers have the difficult task of enforcing the law while ensuring their own safety and the safety of those around them. However, what happens when an individual resists arrest? In Arizona, the consequences for resisting arrest vary depending on the level of force used. Here, we explore the gray area of resisting arrest in Arizona, and the potential consequences an individual may face if they resist arrest.

1. What is Resisting Arrest?

In Arizona, resisting arrest is defined as intentionally preventing or attempting to prevent a police officer from making an arrest. This includes using or threatening to use physical force against the officer, fleeing from the officer, or attempting to destroy evidence.

2. Felony or Misdemeanor?

Resisting arrest is classified under various levels in Arizona, with the severity of the charge depending on the level of force used. For example, if an individual uses physical force against an officer attempting to make an arrest, they may face a class 6 felony charge. However, if the individual’s actions do not pose a substantial risk or involve physical force against the officer, they may face a misdemeanor charge instead.

3. Nonviolent Resistance

There are also scenarios where an individual’s actions may be considered as nonviolent resistance. For example, if an individual actively refuses to comply with an officer's orders, it may be considered nonviolent resistance. While this type of resistance may result in a misdemeanor charge, individuals should be aware that it can still carry significant penalties, such as up to 3 years of probation.

4. The Use of Force by Officers

In some instances, resisting arrest may escalate the situation, causing officers to use force to make the arrest. The use of force by officers is authorized when necessary to prevent harm to the officer or others or to make an arrest. However, the use of excessive force can result in civil penalties or criminal charges for the officer.

5. The Importance of Understanding Your Rights

The gray area of resisting arrest in Arizona highlights the importance of understanding your rights when interacting with police officers. When faced with an arrest, individuals should remain calm and comply with the officer's instructions. However, individuals should also be aware of their rights, such as their right to remain silent and their right to contact an attorney. By understanding their rights, individuals can better navigate the stressful and often confusing situation of being arrested.

6. The Role of Legal Assistance

If you or someone you know is facing charges for resisting arrest, it is important to seek legal assistance. A qualified attorney can provide guidance and representation throughout the legal process, ensuring your rights are protected. They can also help negotiate plea bargains and potentially reduce the severity of the charges and penalties.

7. Conclusion

Resisting arrest is a serious offense that can have significant legal consequences. While there may be some gray area surrounding the specifics of what constitutes resisting arrest, individuals should be aware of the potential consequences of their actions. Understanding your rights and seeking legal assistance can help mitigate the consequences of resisting arrest and ensure that your rights are protected.

For more information on resisting arrest laws in Arizona, visit


Community Property Laws and Property Division in Arizona

Feature Article: Understanding Community Property Laws and Property Division in Arizona


Divorce is an emotionally and financially trying situation. Property division is one of the many contentious issues that arises when couples decide to split. In Arizona, community property laws dictate that all property and debts acquired during a marriage are considered community property and are subject to division in the event of a divorce. The complexities of property division make it important to understand the laws and exceptions that apply in Arizona.

Separate Property and Community Property

In Arizona, separate property is protected from division in divorce proceedings. Separate property includes the following:
  • Property acquired prior to the marriage.
  • Property acquired during the marriage through gift, devise, or descent.
  • Property acquired after the couple has separated.
  • Income generated from separate property during the marriage.
Community property, on the other hand, is subject to division and includes all property and debts acquired during the marriage. This includes income generated during the marriage, assets, and debts accumulated, regardless of whose name is on the title or account.

Exceptions to Community Property

While community property rules are strict in Arizona, there are some exceptions and nuances that may affect property division. These include:
  • Assets or debts agreed to be separate property through a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement.
  • Assets or debts that a spouse inherits or receives as a gift during the marriage.
  • Assets or debts that were acquired prior to marriage but were transmuted into community property through the actions or intent of both spouses.
  • Assets or debts that were purchased with separate funds but were subsequently titled as community property.

How is Property Divided?

Arizona law requires that community property be divided equitably, though not necessarily equally. Factors that may affect the division of property include:
  • Each spouse's employment history and earning capacity.
  • The duration of the marriage and the age and health of each spouse.
  • The contribution of each spouse to the acquisition of community property, including contributions as a homemaker.
  • Each spouse's needs and financial obligations.
If a couple is unable to come to an agreement on the division of assets, a court will decide for them.


Divorce is a difficult time, and property division can add to the complexity of the situation. Understanding community property laws in Arizona is important to ensure a fair and equitable distribution of assets. While community property laws apply strictly, there are exceptions and nuances that may affect property division. It is essential to consult with an experienced attorney to navigate the complexities of property division in every divorce case. Community Property

Property Division in Arizona: Navigating Community Property Laws

Feature Article

How Community Property Laws Affect Property Division in Arizona

how do community property laws affect property division

Going through a divorce is not an easy process as it involves various legal matters, including the division of assets. In Arizona, the laws governing property division are based on community property laws. These laws can have significant consequences on the division of marital property. Hence, understanding community property laws is essential for ensuring a fair and satisfactory outcome when going through a divorce in Arizona.

What are Community Property Laws?

Community property laws are those laws that govern the distribution of property and debts during a divorce in specific states in the United States. The states that have community property laws are Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin.

These laws stipulate that all property and debts acquired during the marriage are community property and must be divided equally between both spouses in the event of a divorce. Community property laws do not apply to separate property, which is property that was acquired before marriage, inherited, or gifted to one spouse during the marriage and has not been commingled with community property.

How Does Community Property Law Affect Property Division in Arizona?

Arizona is a community property state, which means that all property and debts acquired during the course of the marriage are considered community property. This includes all income, real estate, personal property, and all other assets obtained during the marriage.

When going through a divorce in Arizona, the court will divide the community property equally between the spouses, except for cases where one spouse has committed financial misconduct. In such instances, the court will divide the community property disproportionately and award more to the innocent spouse.

It is also important to note that community property laws in Arizona apply to both assets and liabilities. Both spouses are equally responsible for debts incurred during the marriage, including mortgages, car loans, and credit card debt.

What Assets are Considered Separate Property in Arizona?

Not all assets are subject to community property laws in Arizona. The assets that are considered separate property include:

  • Property acquired by gift, devise, or descent
  • Property acquired before marriage or after service of a petition for dissolving the marriage (with some exceptions)
  • Property acquired in exchange for separate property

It is important to note that separate property remains separate during the marriage; however, if it is commingled with community property, its character may change. Therefore, it is essential to consult a family law attorney to ensure property characterization is correctly determined.

What If the Couple Has a Prenuptial Agreement?

When couples get married in Arizona, they have the option to enter into a prenuptial agreement. A prenuptial agreement is a contract signed by both parties before marriage that lays out how the couple's assets will be divided if they should ever divorce.

Suppose a couple has a prenuptial agreement. In that case, the court will use the agreement to determine the division of assets instead of community property laws, as long as it was signed voluntarily without duress or undue influence and is not contrary to public policy.


Divorce is a complicated process in which many factors come into play, including the division of property and debts. In a community property state like Arizona, it is essential to understand how community property laws affect property division during a divorce.

It is essential to consult with an experienced family law attorney to help you navigate this complicated process and ensure a fair and equitable distribution of assets.

Community Property Laws-Property Division in Arizona

Military Status and Child Custody: How Deployment Impacts Parenting Time

Feature Article: How Military Service Affects Child Custody and Parenting Time

Many military service members are parents and, like any parent, they want what is best for their children. However, being in the military can have a significant impact on child custody and parenting time. Arizona Revised Statutes govern how deployment affects child custody decisions, and so military parents must familiarize themselves with this law to ensure that their child's interests are protected.

The Impact of Deployment on Child Custody

When one parent is in the military, their deployment can lead to changes in custody arrangements. According to ARS 25-411, the court must evaluate how a military parent's deployment will impact a child's best interests.

During a parent's absence due to deployment, temporary modifications to custody arrangements are often necessary. The court understands that deployment changes a parent's ability to provide regular care, and so modifications must be made to ensure that the child's needs are met. However, the parent's absence should not be the sole factor in modifying custody. The court will also consider other factors, such as the child's relationship with each parent, the preferences of the child if they are old enough to express them, and any history of domestic violence or substance abuse.

To accommodate military parents, the Family Care Plan was created. This plan provides a detailed outline of how the child will be cared for in the parent's absence, including who will be responsible for the child's needs and how they will be met. The court will consider the care plan when making custody decisions. Military parents should prepare their Family Care Plan early and ensure that it meets the court's requirements.

The Importance of Seeking Legal Representation

Military parents facing custody issues should seek legal representation with attorneys who have experience with military family law. An experienced attorney can help parents prepare for deployment and ensure that their interests and those of their child are protected.

For example, some parents may choose to give a power of attorney to a trusted family member or friend while on deployment. This power of attorney allows the person to make important decisions regarding the child's medical care, education, and other needs while the parent is away. An attorney can ensure that the power of attorney is properly executed and enforceable.

Additionally, an attorney can help parents who are facing deployment modify their custody arrangements and create a Family Care Plan that meets the court's requirements. An attorney can also help parents navigate the complicated legal process involved in modifying custody arrangements.

The Stress of Deployment on Children

Deployment can be stressful for both the parent and the child. Children may experience anxiety, depression, and other emotional and behavioral issues when a parent is deployed. It is important for parents to understand the impact of deployment on their child and take steps to minimize stress and support their child's emotional well-being.

Parents should communicate openly and honestly with their child, answering their questions and reassuring them that they will return home. It is also important for parents to maintain contact with their child while deployed, through phone calls, video chats, letters, and other means.

Parents can also seek out support services for their child, such as counseling or support groups. Military family service centers offer a range of resources for families of deployed service members, including counseling and support services.

The Importance of Cooperation Between Parents

Cooperation between parents is essential in ensuring that the child's best interests are served. When one parent is deployed, the other parent may be required to provide more care for the child. This can be a challenging situation, but parents must work together to ensure that the child's needs are met.

Parents should communicate regularly and honestly with each other, keeping each other informed of any changes or issues that arise. They should also work together to develop a parenting plan that outlines each parent's responsibilities and ensures that the child's needs are met. If a dispute arises, parents should seek mediation or other alternative dispute resolution methods to resolve the issue and avoid going to court.

The Unique Challenges of Military Service

Military service presents unique challenges for parents, and these challenges must be taken into account when making child custody decisions. However, with careful planning, communication, and cooperation, military parents can ensure that their child's needs are met, both during deployment and when they return home.

Military parents facing custody issues should seek legal representation from attorneys who have experience with military family law. They should also seek out resources and support services, both for themselves and for their child. By working together and taking steps to support their child's emotional well-being, military parents can successfully navigate the challenges of deployment and custody.


Deployment can have a significant impact on child custody and parenting time. However, military parents can take steps to protect their child's interests, including preparing a Family Care Plan, seeking legal representation, and cooperating with the other parent. By working together and taking steps to support their child's emotional well-being, military parents can successfully navigate the challenges of deployment and custody.

Military, Child



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